Local Government

Local Government 07.28.22

Poestenkill Town Board – Meeting Minutes – Thursday, July 14, 2022

Several residents complained about a common noise problem in town and asked why it was not being addressed. The discussion focused on possible enforcement actions to solve the problem. It was determined that Councilman Wohlleber would research the issue further and report back to the Town Board with his recommendations. 

Councilman Wohlleber brought the board up-to-date on the refreshing the Town’s website and questioned if we should be employing an outside resource to perform the updating and shared a Requests For Proposals (RFP) with the Town Board. The Board will provide feedback and the RFP. 

The Town Board voted unanimously to honor the Averill Park Boys Baseball team on winning the 2022 Class A New York State Championship.

The Town Board voted unanimously to honor Ethan Jamison on earning the rank of Eagle Scout. 

Motion made by Councilman Wohlleber, seconded by Councilwoman Butler to refer the proposed Senior Housing PPD project on NYS Route 351 to the Planning Board, passed 4-1, with Councilman Van Slyke voting no. 

New roof for the library – this item was tabled. Councilman Van Slyke asked for additional time to consider another proposal.

A motion made by Councilman Hass, seconded by Supervisor Hammond passed 3-2, to approve $126,481 to the Highway Department for the paving of three roads in town. This money will come from the American Rescue Plan Act. Councilmen Van Slyke and Wohlleber voted no.

The 2022 Tax Grievance Night is scheduled for August 11, at 7pm. 

Motion made by Councilman Hass and seconded by Councilman Van Slyke to approve Lawrence Howard as the Planning and Zoning Board attorney, passed 4-1, Councilman Wohlleber voted no. 

These minutes to be approved at the next Town Board Meeting on Thursday, April 14 at 7pm. Please note that Town Board Meetings are now held on the second Thursday of each month.

Submitted by Councilman Eric Wohlleber

Poestenkill arpa Federal Funds July Public Meetings

The ARPA listening team of Poestenkill recently held the second in a series of public meetings to solicit further project suggestions from residents. These sessions met at the Poestenkill Evangelical Lutheran Church and the First Baptist Church in East Poestenkill.

The ARPA team gave a brief overview of the federal funding and the Board’s desire to use the funds for projects that Poestenkill could not otherwise afford and which would have long-term, lasting impact.

Town Supervisor Keith Hammond and Highway Superintendent David (DJ) Goyer attended both meetings and led informative conversation with residents about town services and operational issues raised at the March meetings. Many of these concerns have already been addressed.

Residents came prepared with new, thoughtful, and innovative project suggestions. Those ideas will be added to the March suggestions. All suggestions will be considered for feasibility, cost, and merit. There will be future discussions by the Board to review those suggestions and decide how the monies will be allocated.

These meetings proved important not only because of the ideas put forth, but also and of equal importance is the value placed on listening to each other – leadership and community. Attendees at both the March and July public listening sessions expressed their appreciation for the Town’s outreach efforts, the openness of the discussions, and the mutual respect and appreciation of all the participants.




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