
Church/Spiritual 11.19.20

No-Pork Dinner . . . But

CASTLETON – This year has been very different for all of us. Living through a pandemic has brought new patterns in our lives and caused us to not be able to do some things that we have always done. To that end, the Emmanuel Reformed Church in Castleton will not be having its Roast Pork Dinner, a tradition that has been going on for well over 30 years. But we are hoping to appeal to you, our faithful diners, in a different way.

As you may know, the proceeds from our dinners go to support our missions here and around the world. Many have been unable to provide for their basic needs of food and shelter, so we have been sending what we can to those here in the Capital District, in Niger and India. If you would like to send in a contribution of any size, we will use it to support The Anchor Food Pantry, The IPH Homeless Shelter in Albany, St. Paul’s Women’s Shelter in Rensselaer, work in Niger for medical care, and the remote reaches of northeastern India for food and pastor training.

Please send your donation to Emmanuel Reformed Church, 1150 Maple Hill Rd., Castleton, NY 12033. If you have any questions, please call us at 518-732-7766. We thank you in advance for your generosity and ask God to bless you so that you are able to provide for your family in the coming year.

Advent Services First United Methodist Church

EAST GREENBUSH – First United Methodist Church, 1 Gilligan Rd. East Greenbush. Advent services will be live streamed at 9:30 AM each of the Sundays of Advent, November 29, December 6, December 13, and December 20. During each service the Advent candles will be lighted by church families. The church Facebook page is:

Church of the Redeemer

RENSSELAER – Thrift Shop is scheduled to open Saturday, November 21, from 9-2.

Sunday services November 22 are at 8:00 and 9:30. Diocesan guidelines of wearing face masks which cover both the nose and the mouth, using hand sanitizer, and social distancing are followed at all church activities.

Hot Mess Crafters will not meet this week in order for members to prepare for Thanksgiving. We will meet again on December 3 to organize for our craft sale on December 5 & 6.

The Church of the Redeemer is located on CDTA bus route #214 at the corner of Third and Catherine Streets. There is handicap parking, a ramp in front, and a parking lot in the rear.

Fr. Robert Haskell may be emailed at

First Baptist Church of Poestenkill Book Available for Purchase

POESTENKILL – We are proud to announce that the book about the history of the First Baptist Church of Poestenkill is ready. This book, written by Gary Catlin, is a history of facts, events and photos not only of the church, but of the neighborhood and town. Gary is a well established author with several history books to his credit.

This book is being sold by the church and the Poestenkill Historical Society for $32.54 plus $4.00 for packaging and mailing. Send your order with a check (made out to Gary Catlin) to Poestenkill Historical Society, PO Box 140, Poestenkill, NY 12140. Please include your name, address, e-mail and number of copies requested.

The deadline is December 1st. After that date the price will go up.

First Reformed Church of Wynantskill Welcomes You to our Christmas Eve Service

WYNANTSKILL – Thursday, December 24 at 7 PM. Please join us in our celebration of our Savior’s birth by letting us know you plan to come. We are safely holding our services indoors. Our pews are marked off for social distancing and masks must be worn at all times for safety. We ask those who plan to attend to please call the church office at 518-283-4420 and leave your name and the number of people in your group. If you forget to call you are welcome to still come and will do our best to seat you. May God bless you and keep you healthy and safe.

Brunswick Cares Food Pantry Services

TROY – Brunswick Cares Food Pantry will continue to operate Tuesday 5-7pm and Saturday 9-11am with a ‘drive-up’ pre-packaged service. Social distancing rules apply:

1. Stay in car if another guest is at the door

2. Please only come to the bottom of the steps and maintain at least 6 feet and we will take your order

3. Please wait in your car and we will bring your order to you.

You can check our webpage for updates at https/

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