
Church/Spiritual 09.03.20

Church of the Redeemer

RENSSELAER – Sunday service on September 06 is at 9:00 with Fr. Haskell presiding. We continue to follow guidelines from the diocese of wearing face masks which cover both the nose and the mouth, using hand sanitizer, and social distancing. There is a sanitizing station as you enter the Church with face masks if you do not have your own. The church is marked 6 ft. intervals to aid in social distancing. Communion is by host only. Coffee hour is suspended until further notice.

Hot Mess Crafters meet in the Hearth Room on Wednesday at 10 AM. Current projects include scarves, fingerless gloves, and baby items. We are following diocesan safety guidelines.

The Thrift Shop is opening on a limited basis. Follow The Advertiser for announcement of days and times.

The Church of the Redeemer is located in Rensselaer at the corner of Third and Catherine Streets.

Fr. Robert Haskell may be emailed at

Brunswick Cares Food Pantry Services

TROY – Brunswick Cares Food Pantry will continue to operate Tuesday 5-7pm and Saturday 9-11am with a ‘drive-up’ pre-packaged service. Social distancing rules apply:

1. Stay in car if another guest is at the door

2. Please only come to the bottom of the steps and maintain at least 6 feet and we will take your order

3. Please wait in your car and we will bring your order to you.

You can check our webpage for updates at https/

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