Winter Fun 02.13.20

Ice Fishing at Dyken Pond

GRAFTON – Saturday, February 15; 1pm – 3pm. Want to try ice fishing but need an introduction to the sport? Looking for a great opportunity to get the family outdoors this winter? Then join us for an afternoon of ice fishing on Dyken Pond! It’s a free fishing weekend in New York State so no license is required. Ice fishing is a family friendly activity. We’ll talk about ice safety and common fish species caught in Dyken Pond, and learn about a variety of ice fishing techniques and equipment. Equipment will be provided for participants to use. Then everyone will fish! This program is for all ages. Leader: Casey Festa. Please preregister for this free event at (518) 658-2055 or

Winter Break Snowshoe Program at Dyken Pond

GRAFTON – Tuesday, February 18: 1-3pm. Are you looking for something to do outdoors as a family over winter break? Youth, families and adults can congregate in a beautiful natural setting at the Dyken Pond EEC while experiencing the joy of snowshoeing. After a brief introduction covering the basics of snowshoeing we will snowshoe for about 2 hours, looking for signs of animals and enjoying a winter day outdoors. Preregistration is required at (518) 658-2055 or . Cost is $5 and includes individual snowshoe rental.

Tuesday Treks at Dyken Pond

GRAFTON – Every Tuesday: 1pm-3pm. Join Leonard Tremblay at the Dyken Pond EEC for a hike through the forest. We will hike or snowshoe about 2-3 miles depending on conditions every Tuesday afternoon in February. Please call or check the website for updated conditions and possible cancellations. For adults and older teens. Snowshoe rentals available for $5 at (518) 658-2055 or

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